Jumat, Februari 18, 2011

Home Business-Making Money Online(Future of all jobs)

Home Business-Making Money Online(Future of all jobs)



     Well folks what you must understand is that many people are looking for a "get rich" program or company that will make them more money, than they can dream. Well making money won't happen over night, unless you dedicate your time to what ever program you choose. I will show and tell, every Internet making strategy that I have to offer. I would also like to tell you that a home business requires some money, or you can find programs that do not cost a dime. The only problem with some of the companies out there, is that you have to sell something to people. Usually most people will turn you down because they do not have the money or they believe that your trying to hard, which is what most salesman do just to get the sale. So what the new brilliant companies that are in the world today, have thought of better ideas, which is called the "referral program" this allows members or affiliates to get their friends and family to join and make money from them. In return, their friends can get their friends to join. Now this is not a pyramid scheme because they have enhanced this to make real money and not just promise it. It all depends what you hear about the company. This leads to my first topic.

Research(Youtube website click here)

    You first have to know what the company does and what they have to offer you. What benefits does the company have to offer?

    Well to do this you must research the topic, so You go to YouTube and type in that company into the search bar. People that are part of this company already will have videos posted about that company or maybe even several companies. You will also have to recognize the difference between a scam and a legit money making business. So if the person is trying to sell you something, which you can tell by the way they talk, persuade, and if it sounds too good to be true. The most logical videos to me are the unprofessional videos, which people make from a webcam or just a regular camera. Makes sense right...... So if the person in the video is talking about a company that is free, but costs money after you sign up, then it most likely is a scam, but not in all cases, which I will show you. This leads to my next topic.

    Finding the best program is the most important idea to have because it will affect how you are rewarded. If you have ever heard of quickstar or amway, then you have some idea of what a home business is, but I will be showing you how to get your own home business started, using the Internet. The only problem that I have with Amway is that you have to sell products and not just promote them. The difference between selling and promoting is that when you promote, you are only offering deals or savings to your customers on your website. Your customers don't have to buy it and your not constantly trying to sell an item to them, like a salesman. So basically, if they like what they see they will more than likely buy it because it is usually cheaper, when the product is promoted. I have joined many programs that were good and some were just a scam. "Research  about a company" is the best way to avoid being scammed. I had to find out the hard way, but I started to research every program available and found three major money-making programs. The first is called GDI, which you can find at this LINK or you can watch this VIDEO to see what research I have found about this program. Another program that I have joined is called ClickBank. The last and final program, which I have joined is called Google Adsense.

GDI-(actual website click here) 

    This program is my favorite because it allows you to make the most money. The most valuable aspect of this program is referrals. The first aspect is about making a WEBSITE for your home business. All their domain names end with (.ws). The reason why they chose to do this is because most websites are (.com), so when you search your (.com) domain, you can't always find it. With a different extension you can find your website on the first page of your search, whether it be through (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, etc..) This will help your customers find your website right away and you won't have to pay so much to advertise with Google or any other search engine. So if your looking to start an online/home business or start a website, you can get paid for referring affiliates to this program. This unique program allows you to refer people "five" levels deep, which means your first level is people who you refer and the next four levels is the process of your referred affiliates, who refer other people. This process will keep going until you have met your five levels, but each level after meeting the fifth level, will still be able to refer other people and your money-making process continues. . This program also has has the "five affiliate in one week" benefit. This benefit rewards you with $100 dollars when you refer five people in one week. So imagine referring about 20 people in one week. This is $400 in your name. This program also has a 7 day trial and then you pay $10/month, which is worth it to me, if I am referring five people each week. So if you don't like it your first 7 days you can cancel, without ever having to pay a dime, but I recommend you stick with it. This program also has the "premium package", which is $50/month, but is worth it because you get back more % of commissions. Premium also allows you to be entered into the GDI Lottery, which choses a winner and gives these members free affiliates. So imagine winning all the affiliates that are members. Now you can times that by a dollar because every person that is in your "down line" you get a dollar. So if you have 4,000 people in your down line, you make $4,000 every month. So the lottery is great because you can get thousands of people in your down line. 

Why You Should Stay With It?

     Well first off, let's just say you refer a friend. Now your 7 day free trial is up and you decide to cancel. A few weeks later, your friend comes to thank you for referring him/her. Well, little did you know he is now making $560/month and he referred your parents. I don't think you would want to regret that. Oh!!!! by the way your friend makes that same amount every month and it is residual income, which means it will only increase, not decrease. I know I wouldn't want to be in that position. So think about what this program has to offer and see if you like it. There's nothing wrong with giving it a shot.

    Now your probably wondering how they can pay out so much, just to one affiliate and I will tell you. Well when you have thousands of affiliates who pay $10/month or even premium, which is $50/month, that adds up. They also do advertisement, through GOOGLE ADSENSE, which I will show you in the next program. 

GOOGLE ADSENSE-(actual website click here) 

     Google Adsense has been design to not only earn back the money that you spend to advertise through this program, but also allows you to make an add and get payed per click. So people click on your add and you make money. When they click on an add, they go to another website, which may help the customer find what they are looking for. The important part of this benefit is that if your website is boring, the adds will be posted on your website. So you can either sell your products on your website or if the visitor decides he or she doesn't want to buy anything, than they will see "replicated sites", which means, websites that are like yours. So even if you don't sell a product, you can still make money just from their visit. To learn more about Google Adsense watch this VIDEO. 

ClickBank-(actual website click here) 

     ClickBank is a advertising program that allows a person to promote products for other people or companies. So let's say the Hershey Chocolate Company was having a special on all their products. You would simply copy/paste the URL/HTML into your blog, website, or even Facebook. So now you tell your friends about the special. They click on the special and let's say they decide to buy it. Well then you make up to 75% commission of that product. So if the product was $50, you would make up to 75% of that product that was sold. So a smart thing to do is post these products on every blog that has related content. The way they keep track of your promoted products is my your username. Your username is added to the HTML, this way they know who to pay. Make sure that you sign in before you promote a product, but if you do promote a product it will still ask you your username. I found this program t be very successful because people are always looking for good deals and savings. Well, see for yourself and try it out. 


    The best advice that I can give you is use GDI because it is the best program that I have told you about today. Now I also advice you to use all three of these programs on the same website. This way you will receive 3 separate checks and be making more money. So sign up with GDI and make your website, then sign up with ClickBank, start promoting, and copy/paste your promoted product's HTML in your GDI website. Now, sign up with Google Adsense and post an add in your GDI website.  This will give you three ways of making money for your website. The final step is advertising through Google Adwords, which doesn't cost much, but this is how you drive traffic to your website. 

    I hope that I have helped you learn how you can start making money from a home business. If you like this blog come back on 03/30/2011, I have a new website that you may be interested in. I will post the site as a link and explain what it is all about.

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